Office Ergonomic Chair


Ergo Solve provides ergonomic consultation for finding office ergonomic chair and seating solutions in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia.

An office ergonomic chair is an integral component of your workstation as it links the components of your workstation and helps to optimize your reach, clearance and vision.

The enormous variations in body shape and size a poses a great challenge for the designer of office chairs. It is generally not an acceptable practice to design an office chair to fit the ‘average person’ as the ‘average person’ does not truly exist.

While one type of office chair may fit most people, individuals with smaller or larger body dimensions can be ‘forced’ into chairs that do not fit and, as a consequence, spend a significant part of the work day in sustained, awkward postures. This can have an adverse effect on your health and safety at work as well as your quality of life at home.

 A seating trial can be arranged with a reliable vendor so you can trial different chairs and select an office ergonomic chair that is right for you. A seating trial can be tailor-made to meet your price point.

Ergo Solve, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Telephone: 604-612-3650; Email: Send an email to Eddie

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